If you encounter an error with one of the Spitfire Plugin products, it is always best to attach your log with your support ticket. This will help the team identify the issue by speeding up the troubleshooting process.
To find your log file, click on the Red Error mark, followed by the Show Log hyperlink.
This will link you directly to the file, which you should now drag and drop into your support ticket/ email.
If you do not have an error in your log, you can find the files directly in:
Mac OS: MacHD/Users/USERNAME/Library/Logs/com.spitfireaudio
(Please note, this is in the hidden Library folder, and not in your regular Library folder. To access this you can use the Go function in Finder in order to open the correct directory:
Go to Finder, hold the Option key, click on the Go menu, and select Library, then go to Logs/com.spitfireaudio)
Windows: C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/com.spitfireaudio
(Please note, AppData is usually a hidden folder so you may need to change your View preferences to include hidden folders)