If you are experiencing drop-outs with your Spitfire Audio libraries when exporting through FL Studio, it is worth trying to export in real-time instead. Natively, FL studio exports using offline rendering, however, there are a few workarounds that allow you to export in real-time.
Recording through the FL Mixer:
1. Ensure that you have structured your composition within the FL Playlist window.
2. Open your plugin mixer, navigate to the master track and click the 'Arm Disk For Recording' button.
3. Press the record button in your FL Studio Transport window - When prompted, you will want to select the 'Everything' option from the menu.
4. Press the Play button to begin the real-time export.
5. Once the entire song has been recorded, press the stop button on the FL transport window.
6. Your recorded session should appear in your playlist as an audio clip. By default, this clip will be saved to the following folder:
Users/[Username]/Documents/Image-Line/FL Studio/Audio/Recorded
You can also double-check the export location by double-clicking the audio file in the playlist, and selecting the 'Load Sample file' button, which should open a window displaying the location of your current audio file:
Recording and Exporting Via the Edison Plugin:
1. Ensure that your project playback is set to 'Song' mode and not 'PAT'(pattern mode).
2. Open your FL Studio mixer and select the Master track. Click on one of the plugin slots and select 'Edison' from the plugin browser.
3. Press the record button in the Edison interface and navigate to your playlist/pattern.
4. Press the record button in the Main FL Transport Window - This will begin the recording process.
5. Once the entire song has been recorded, press the stop buttons in Edison and on the FL transport window.
6. If you are happy with the recording, you can press the floppy-disk icon within the Edison toolbar, and select the 'Save Sample as' option. Here you will want to give your sample a name and point to your desired install location.
7. Press Save and wait for your file to finish saving.