The Ostinatum Machine (described here) is a powerful tool capable for creating rhythmic patterns on held notes, and has note values ranging from whole notes (semibreve) to 64th notes (hemidemisemiquaver) with triplet values for 8th and 16th notes, but what if you want two write a pattern using rhythmic values not included in the Ostinatum such as dotted 8th or whole note triplets?
One option is to switch the tempo sync in the Kontakt plugin to a different (but related) value than that of your DAW. The first step in doing this is to reveal the Master panel in Kontakt by choosing it from the drop down menu as shown below:
This will reveal a new panel at the top including the control for Master tempo, the default when using Kontakt as a plugin is pictured below, with Ext highlighted the plugin is synced to the tempo of your DAW:
Clicking Ext will instead sync to Kontakt's own tempo and then the value under BPM becomes editable. Try creating a pattern and then changing the tempo to 3/4 of the DAW tempo, or twice the tempo for quite dramatic results!
This technique can also be used to great effect with any tempo locked patches such as the measured tremolo with TM enabled, that can be found in Chamber Strings.