There are several ways to relocate libraries, specifically based on the type of library that is being moved. The Spitfire App will only be able to relocate the library content and will not transfer the actual library content to the new location. To transfer the content, you can simply drag the library folder to the new location or use a transfer application.
Click on these links to be taken to the section of the tutorial you need:
How to move a Spitfire Plugin Library on the same computer
How to move a Kontakt Plugin Library on the same computer
How to move a Spitfire Plugin Library to a different computer
How to move a Kontakt Plugin Library to a different computer
Dedicated Plugins
Same Machine
If you are moving your library folder to a new location on the same machine (i.e. from your home directory to the desktop, or to an external hard drive), the library will need to be relocated from the Spitfire App by using the Locate feature. This can be done by following these steps:
1) Close your DAW, open the Spitfire Audio App and log in
2) On each product page in the Spitfire App, accessed by clicking the artwork, is a cog menu including the option to locate
3) Click locate and navigate to the library in its new location using the folder icon on the right hand side. Click open, and then locate .
4) The application will confirm that the library has been relocated.
Different Machine
In this case, a repair will need to be done to create the patches, presets, and plugin files for the new machine.
Transfer a copy of your library folder to your second machine using an external hard drive.
Follow these steps to repair the library once it has been moved to its new location:
1) Open the Spitfire Audio App and log in. From here, navigate to the library you'd like to repair.
2) Towards the bottom right of the App you'll see the repair button, click this.
3) A new page will prompt you to navigate to the library install location.
4) Once you've browsed to the correct folder, select the REPAIR button.
5) This will begin a small download. You can monitor the progress of this by selecting the "Downloads" tab in the App. Once the download is complete, you're done!
If the repair option is not available as it is above, it can be accessed by clicking the "cog" and then selecting repair.
Each library has a limited number of resets, if you exceed this limit we will need to reset the library manually for you. If you have received the message in the image above, please contact support here.
Kontakt Player Libraries
Same Machine
Kontakt Player libraries will need to be repaired from Native Access. To do so, follow these steps:
1) Close out of Kontakt and your DAW and open Native Access
2) Click the installed products tab in Native Access if it is not already selected
3) Click on repair to the right of the library that you need to relocate and then relocate
4) Navigate to the location of the library, select the library folder and click open
5) Click relocate and that's it, the library has been relocated!
New Machine
When moving a Kontakt Player library to a new machine, there will be the option to add library, as opposed to repair.
Transfer a copy of your library folder to your second machine using an external hard drive.
Follow these steps to add the library once it has been moved to its new location:
1) Click add library and then locate
2) Select the library folder for the library you are needing to relocate and click open
3) Click install and the library status will be set!